Parents Speak Out: Important New Voice in WRDSB Appeal

Parents Speak Out: Important New Voice in WRDSB Appeal

There’s an important new development in my defamation lawsuit against the Waterloo Region District School Board and its former Chair, Scott Piatkowski. Last November I won a significant victory when the Superior Court dismissed the Board’s Anti-SLAPP motion. This decision would have paved the way for my defamation suit to finally proceed. Unfortunately, the WRDSB has appealed this decision. As well, EGALE Canada, a powerful government-funded lobby group, has been granted permission to intervene. EGALE will be arguing in support of the Board’s attempt to overturn my previous victory.

Fortunately, a Canadian group called “Our Duty Canada” has also been granted permission to intervene in the case. Our Duty Canada is a peer support network for parents whose children are experiencing transgender ideation or undergoing social, or medical transition. This group is a voice for parents who often remain silent in public discussions, fearing the same kind of reputational attacks that I’ve faced for speaking out.

Our Duty Canada will argue that the former Chair’s comments should not be protected by the court because they were untrue, unhelpful, and made in bad faith. Additionally, Our Duty Canada will assert that, as a government official, the Chair misused his position to silence public criticism and that shielding such behavior does not serve the public good. Our Duty Canada’s intervention is a significant counterbalance to EGALE’s involvement. I’m grateful that the court will hear perspectives from parents whose children have been directly affected by these issues.

On September 11, when the Appeal is heard, I am confident that the Court of Appeal will uphold Justice Ramsay’s decision, which clearly states that I was indeed defamed and that my case has significant merit.

The outcome of this appeal is crucial for safeguarding free expression in Canada. Your support now is more important than ever. Please consider contributing to my legal fund today. Together, we can make a difference in this landmark case.
Thank you,

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