Legal Battle Update: Powerful Lobby Group Aligns Against Me Powerful Lobby Group Aligns Against Me I have an important update on my defamation lawsuit against the Waterloo Region District School Board. As you may recall, last year, the school board attempted to have my case against them and former chair Scott Piatkowski dismissed by using anti-SLAPP legislation against…

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Second Anniversary Update on my Legal Actions Against the School Board

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am pleased to announce that my legal defense fund campaign on GoFundMe has reached a significant milestone! Two Years Ago Today Two years ago today I was removed from the Waterloo Region District School Board trustee meeting and accused of violating the Ontario…

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Shameless School Board Escalates My Legal Battle for Free Speech“What happened here should not happen in a democratic society.”       Justice J.A. Ramsay, Ontario Superior CourtAs many of you know, my journey over the past two years has been one of the most challenging yet important chapters of my life. Today, I write to you with a significant…

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A Major Victory in my Legal Battle with the School Board First Victory! I am thrilled to announce the first major victory in my legal battle with the Waterloo Region District School Board. The Anti-SLAPP Motion As you know, I filed a defamation lawsuit against the Waterloo Region District School Board in April 2022.  In September 2023, the Board filed…

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Urgent Update: An Unexpected Turn in My Fight Against the School Board WRDSB Moves to Dismiss My Lawsuit Today I am coming to you in a moment of distress, but also with firm resolve. Before I share my dilemma, let's recap what has brought us here. I Was Cancelled for Speaking Up On January 17, 2022, I spoke at a School…

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Update on the Judicial Review from JCCF Lawyer Jorge Pineda Judicial Review Happening Soon! My lawyer Jorge Pineda from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) has provided this video update on the Judicial Review which is scheduled to be heard in June. The Judicial Review will examine the legality of the Board’s decision to halt my presentation and…

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One Year Anniversary Update on my Legal Actions Against the School Board Wow! What a year! It was one year ago today that I attempted to raise my concerns about my local school board’s lack of transparency. My presentation was cut short and I was removed from the trustees meeting. The rest is history. Awareness in Growing Over the past year, more…

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