Appeal Court Rules My Defamation Has Merit!
Hello Dear Supporters,
We won!
I have fabulous news about our legal battle for free speech and accountability. On November 5th, 2024, the Ontario Court of Appeal released its decision dismissing the WRDSB’s anti-SLAPP appeal. This is our second major victory, and it means my defamation lawsuit against the Board can proceed to trial.
The Court of Appeal’s decision is significant for several reasons:
First, they recognized the serious harm I suffered. The Court noted that Chair’s false statements about me were broadly disseminated and it can be reasonably inferred that they have had a deleterious impact on my reputation.
Secondly, they highlighted that the Board Chair exaggerated the content, tone and import of my remarks, using hyperbolic language leading members of the public to perceive that I said something insidious.
Perhaps most importantly, the Court emphasized that while defending vulnerable groups is crucial, this “does not license speech that deviates from truth. They noted that it is one thing to counter discriminatory speech; and quite another to counter speech that was not expressed.
This victory means our fight for truth and accountability can continue. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for standing with me throughout this long battle. This victory belongs to all of us.
To read the Court’s full decision, see the court documents linked below. Together, we’re showing that ordinary citizens can stand up to powerful institutions and defend our right to speak truthfully about important issues affecting our children.
Thank You!
Carolyn Burjoski
Background Documents:
Ontario Court of Appeal Decision: Burjoski v. Waterloo Region District School Board
Original Superior Court Decision
Thank you again Carolyn. If you ever need support, we will be here for you. The school teacher that told my daughter she had to read and do a book report on a “trans” person did back down when she received my message. I will stand up for my daughter every time. 1Madmanmike on X ….
Well done, Carolyn. My wife and I have been pleased to support you through this ordeal. The attack on free speech has become chronic in this country and, unfortunately, many of the shut-down artists can be found in institutions such as our school boards. Despite their self-righteous pretensions of tolerance, these people are the most intolerant of all — intolerant of other viewpoints and intolerant of the principle of democratic discourse itself. We have reached a state where dissenting discourse is simply outlawed. You either toe the party line or you are socially and economically crucified. My experience with this new totalitarian ideology is that its proponents cannot be reasoned with. In my view, there are only two ways of dealing with such people — remove them from positions of authority (e.g., at election time) or challenge them in the courts. You are doing the latter and you are to be commended for so doing. It’s not easy. Most people have no idea how strenuous it is to wage battles such as yours. I’ve been in a few major battles myself, so I fully appreciate the commitment you are making to this just cause. When things get tough, always remember that there are thousands of us out here right behind you. Win or lose, you are doing the right thing. Resistance to this rising totalitarianism is a moral imperative of every democratically minded citizen. Thanks for playing such an essential role in that resistance.
Transgender is a very different movement than sexual orientation was. Trans is more like a religion that has to define nonbeleivers as negatives. Trans reduces persons to body parts and clothing. Clothing is a style choice and body parts are not any choice at all .