Legal Battle Update: Powerful Lobby Group Aligns Against Me

Powerful Lobby Group Aligns Against Me

I have an important update on my defamation lawsuit against the Waterloo Region District School Board. As you may recall, last year, the school board attempted to have my case against them and former chair Scott Piatkowski dismissed by using anti-SLAPP legislation against me, but they were unsuccessful.

In November 2023, Justice Ramsay of the Ontario Superior Court dismissed the Board’s anti-SLAPP motion. He affirmed the merit of my defamation claim and condemned the Board’s use of human rights codes to stifle public debate. Justice Ramsay stated, “What happened here should not happen in a democratic society.”

Sadly, but not surprisingly, the WRDSB appealed Justice Ramsay’s decision. The appeal will be heard on September 11, 2024 at the Ontario Court of Appeal in downtown Toronto where I will be appearing in person.

Alarming News - EGALE Canada Seeks to Intervene

In a disturbing development, EGALE Canada, a government-funded advocacy group for 2SLGBTQI rights, has sought intervenor status in this appeal. It is baffling to me that a political lobby group is trying to influence my defamation suit in which I am seeking a remedy for the harm done to me by the board. EGALE Canada has submitted more than 500 pages of legal documents to the Court of Appeal to support their intervention. Their action underscores the crucial importance of winning this appeal and my lawsuit to safeguard free expression in Canada.

Now I'm Fighting Two Giants

So now I find myself up against a government-funded school board and a government-funded lobby group which is why I am reaching out to you again for support. If you can, please contribute to my legal fund at Every donation, big or small, makes a significant difference in our fight for justice and the protection of the rights of every Canadian to speak without intimidation. 

Thank you so much for your support!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sara Samile

    I’m with You and Justice Ramsay, not that blowhard sexist male and its sheeple. Hang in there, Carolyn. I’ve donated to your fund and am watching closely… we have idiot city councillors who defame the public to advance their political agenda, here in Winnipeg. The city’s “Integrity Commissioner” does nothing but give them a heads up. No action taken.

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