Court of Appeal Deals Another Blow to Free Speech Court of Appeal Deals Another Blow to Free Speech I'm coming to you today with some deeply troubling news that I believe every Canadian needs to hear. On March 28, 2024, the Ontario Court of Appeal dealt another blow to free speech in our country. They rejected my appeal…

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Taking My Case to the Court of Appeal to Defend Free Expression How it All Started In January 2022, a seemingly ordinary meeting of the Waterloo Region District School Board became the starting point of a crucial battle for freedom of expression in Canada. I found myself at the center of this conflict when I was silenced and removed for sharing…

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Update on the Judicial Review from JCCF Lawyer Jorge Pineda Judicial Review Happening Soon! My lawyer Jorge Pineda from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) has provided this video update on the Judicial Review which is scheduled to be heard in June. The Judicial Review will examine the legality of the Board’s decision to halt my presentation and…

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One Year Anniversary Update on my Legal Actions Against the School Board Wow! What a year! It was one year ago today that I attempted to raise my concerns about my local school board’s lack of transparency. My presentation was cut short and I was removed from the trustees meeting. The rest is history. Awareness in Growing Over the past year, more…

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My Second Legal Action Against WRDSB

Judicial Review Announcement I am excited to announce my second legal action against the WRDSB, which I explain this a new video. My lawyers from The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms have filed a Judicial Review of the Board’s decision to stop me from speaking at the January Trustees meeting. The…

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